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How to Write a Standout College Application Essay with the Common App essay prompt #4

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April 9, 2023
Common App Essay Prompt #4: Acts of Kindness

Common App Essay Prompt #4: Acts of Kindness


  • Allows you to express gratitude and appreciation for someone who has positively impacted your life.
  • Encourages self-reflection and introspection.
  • May inspire others to perform acts of kindness and generosity.
  • Can highlight the importance of empathy, compassion, and community.


  • May be difficult to articulate the depth of emotions involved.
  • Could potentially come across as insincere if not written from the heart.
  • Might be challenging to find the right words to express your gratitude in a meaningful way.


Introduction (1-2 sentences): Introduce the person who did something that made you happy or thankful, and briefly describe the situation.

The Act of Kindness (1-2 sentences): Describe the specific action or gesture that made an impact on you, and explain why it was so meaningful.

Your Response (1-2 sentences): Explain how you felt in response to the act of kindness, and what it motivated you to do.

Impact (1-2 sentences): Describe how the experience affected you, and what you learned from it.

Conclusion (1-2 sentences): Sum up your essay with a statement that expresses your gratitude and highlights the power of small acts of kindness to make a big difference in the world.

Sample Essay: The Power of Love and Compassion

As I sit down to write this personal essay, my mind wanders back to a moment in my childhood that has stuck with me through the years.

I was at a family gathering, surrounded by cousins and relatives I didn't see very often. We were all playing a game of tag in the backyard, laughing and running around. But then something happened that changed everything.

One of my cousins, who was older and bigger than me, pushed me down to the ground. It was a small push, but it knocked the wind out of me and I was left gasping for air. I remember feeling embarrassed and humiliated, like I had been singled out and made to feel weak.

But then my grandfather appeared, out of nowhere. He had been watching us play from the sidelines, quietly observing our interactions. He approached me with a kind and gentle look in his eyes, and helped me up from the ground. He didn't say anything, but I could feel the warmth and comfort of his embrace.

In that moment, I realized that there are people in this world who will always be there for us, even when we feel alone or vulnerable. My grandfather's act of kindness made me feel valued and loved, even in the midst of a difficult situation.

Through the years, I have carried that lesson with me - that there is strength in vulnerability, and that we can always rely on those who love us. I have learned that true strength comes not from physical power, but from the power of love and compassion.

As I write this personal essay, I am reminded of the importance of empathy and kindness in our interactions with others. I hope to one day pass on my grandfather's lessons to my own children, and to help them realize the power of love and compassion in a world that can often feel cold and uncaring.