Crafting a Winning Dental School Personal Statement Examples: Guide & Samples

Published on
July 12, 2024
Statement of Purpose
Only 54.3% of dental school applicants get accepted each year. Nearly half face rejection. In this competitive field, your personal statement can set you apart. Let's explore standout examples to help you craft a winning essay.

Essay 1

A terrified girl with a swollen upper lip trudges into the endodontic clinic. She needs an emergency retreat of her root canal due to a poor previous obturation. As the needle pierces her gums, childhood memories of getting root canals without anesthesia flood her body with even greater pain and fear. Her student dentist wipes away her tears and holds her hand tighter. “The worst part is over,” remarks the soothing voice of the resident as she puts away the syringe. She is amazed by how fast the pain goes away. This girl was me three years ago, and it was this moment that I first envisioned dentistry as my career.

I was born and raised Uyghur, a Turkic ethnic minority in Central Asia. Growing up in a mixture of Turkish, Middle-Eastern, and Asian cultures helped me appreciate cultural diversity and collaborative environments later in life. Shortly after my high school graduation, I made the biggest decision of my life: to pursue an undergraduate degree in the United States, where I would be able to blossom in a free academic environment. I packed my ambitious heart and dreams into a suitcase and headed for the U.S.

Being away from home for the first time, I was thrilled to explore the world on my own. Determined to overcome the language barrier, I took every possible opportunity to practice my English skills while attending a language institute. Within six months, I passed the placement test and started taking college-level courses. Small victories like this strengthened my determination, and prepared me to overcome future obstacles that I faced while pursuing undergraduate studies and finding my career path.

Dealing with frequent illnesses as a child led me to spend a lot of time in the care of others. Nurses, doctors, and dentists became my heroes, and I dreamed of being like them one day. In order to gain more experience in the healthcare field while pursuing my bachelor’s degree in Microbiology, I became a Certified Nursing Assistant and began working in an assisted-living facility caring for residents with Alzheimer’s disease. The bonds I built with these kind people and their families helped me realize how much I love caring for others and making positive impacts on their lives.

Around the same time, I became a patient at the University of Florida College of Dentistry team clinics. A long history of poor dental care led me to undergo an extensive amount of dental work at the clinic. This is where I first met Magda, my student dentist from the root canal story. As soon as I expressed my interest in the healthcare field, Magda enthusiastically began explaining dental procedures to me, teaching me to recognize dental instruments and even how to interpret x-rays. Her proficient skills, professionalism, and concerns for patients truly inspired me to further explore dentistry as my prospective profession.

I subsequently started shadowing at the team clinic, which enabled me to gain a closer look at dentistry. From various types of periodontal therapies, restorations, and extractions – every procedure I assisted with, pumped my body full of adrenaline. I fell in love with how much creativity is utilized in dentistry and relished every bit of patient interaction.

The knowledge from the team clinic further inspired me to pursue a community-based dental experience. I began to shadow Dr. XXXX, a general dentist at ABC Dental Clinic. ABC is a community for people with developmental disabilities. Volunteering at the clinic has been the most eye-opening and rewarding experience I have had in my limited exposure to dentistry. Most of the patients are not verbally responsive and are very challenging to work with. Despite these obstacles, Dr. Garvey’s patience and empathy makes everything possible. His unwavering commitment to serve the underserved population is inspiring me to become a dentist like him. From there, I started working at the UFCD Pediatric Dental Clinic as a dental assistant.

Luckily, I never had to return to the endodontic clinic again as a patient, but my unflinching determination in pursuing a dental career has only grown stronger since. Utilizing both creativity and discipline in caring for patients, serving the underserved, and relieving pain is what I have found I love doing the most. If that can become a lifelong career, then I am confident that dentistry is, absolutely, my future vocation. Even better, I will be the first Uyghur dentist in the U.S., now wouldn’t that be something?

🎓 GradGPT Score: 92/100 🌟

Excellent Dental Personal Statement

Dental School Personal Statement with GradGPT Score 92/100

What makes this essay great?

The essay is well-structured and readable, with a readability score of 10, which is within the normal range for a personal statement. The structure is clear, and the coherence is good. There are no inconsistencies, clichés, or unnecessary flattery, and the writing style is engaging.

  • Introduction: Strong and engaging start, drawing the reader in with a vivid personal experience.
  • Cultural Background: Effectively highlights your unique background as an Uyghur and your adaptation to the U.S.
  • Academic Journey: Clear narrative of overcoming challenges, particularly the language barrier, and achieving small victories.
  • Healthcare Experience: Shows a genuine passion for caring for others, with specific examples of your work as a CNA.
  • Exposure to Dentistry: Well-detailed experiences with the dental clinic, showcasing your growing interest and knowledge in the field.
  • Community Involvement: The volunteering section is impactful, demonstrating your commitment to serving underserved populations.
  • Conclusion: Strong and confident, reiterating your determination and the uniqueness of being the first Uyghur dentist in the U.S.
The personal statement passes all 5 stages in the essay coach.

Essay 2

My grandfather made me fall in love with the quote: “Use your smile to change the world, don’t let the world change your smile.” I grew up without my parents, and faced adversity and bullying throughout my childhood. It took a toll on my confidence, made me shy, and discouraged me from smiling. Whenever I feel discouraged, my grandfather’s words always comfort me and push me toward my goals. Last year, I found it incredibly painful to deal with his passing after he battled nasal cavity cancer for eight years. He persevered through harsh medical treatments and never stopped smiling in front of me. Even after his dentures stopped fitting him, he would still smile. He gradually lost his appetite and without dentures, he became nutrient deficient since he could not consume the range of food that he needed. This was when I learned about the importance of dentures and their impact on a person’s health.  Watching how strong he was, I yearned to make him a perfect set of dentures as a special gift one day. My ambition was to watch my grandfather enjoy a wide variety of food and to see his old smile again. Since then, I began to see the power behind my grandfather’s smile. His smile speaks for the positivity, courage, and strength that taught me to embrace obstacles and challenges because they will help me thrive as an independent and a mature adult. Although I lost my grandfather, the pain of losing him strengthened my character and pushed me to pursue my dream to become a successful dentist.

During my last quarter at UC San Diego, my grandfather’s condition worsened. I constantly worried about him, as he was the only close family I had. There were times when I struggled to balance family responsibilities with academics, and I had felt mentally and physically exhausted every day. Every time I went to see him in the hospital, he told me not to worry about him and to focus on my academics. My anxiety took a toll on my grades and I realized that it helped neither my dream nor his health. Gradually, I learned to manage my time and my stress, and improved my grades later on through more coursework in post-baccalaureate program. Luckily, my aunt is capable of taking care of my grandmother now, so I can further my studies and work as a dental assistant during my free time. 

As a dental assistant, I channeled my desire of taking care of my grandfather into taking care of patients. During the preparation for an implant case, I noticed a patient was clenching her fists anxiously. I offered her with a cup of water and started a conversation to ease her worries. Later, she calmed down and was ready for the procedure. She was cooperative when I took a periapical x-ray on the difficult position of tooth #15.  Fortunately, the picture turned out clear and the dentist was able to see the depth of the post and the distance between her sinus. When I greeted the patient during her next visit for abutment, she said “thank you” and gave me the most heartwarming hug that I could ever ask for. Her expression of gratitude kindled my desire to serve more patients as an aspiring dentist.

Knowing that my grandfather lacked oral health education and had limited dental care during his lifetime, I felt a sense of duty to help those who lack access to dental care . I helped serve the underprivileged by volunteering at the California Dental Association Free Clinic. In particular, I remember a forty-year old Hispanic immigrant named Julio, who was also a low-income immigrant and a father of four. Majority of his teeth was decayed and in need of urgent restoration. After talking to him, I learned that his condition was the result of a lack of access to quality dental care. Due to financial constraints, he could not afford to visit a dentist for a long time. He was grateful that the Free Clinic had given him this opportunity to restore his teeth. Talking to Julio was eye opening, as it inspired me to reach out to the disadvantaged population and educate them about oral health. One day, I wish to provide equitable access to dental care to all.

After my grandfather’s death, I wrote a letter to him that ended with this passage: “Thank you, Grandpa, for helping me find my passion and for making me realize the power that genuine smiles can bring. Although you are no longer with us, your wisdom continues to motivate me to spread beautiful smiles and to improve the lives of others. As a tribute to you, I am ready to dedicate myself to the career of dentistry.”

🎓 GradGPT Score: 89/100 🌟

Great personal statement with room for improvement in structure

Dental School Personal Statement with GradGPT Score 89/100
The essay passes four stages, but it needs improvement in structure and flow.

The essay tells the author's journey well but needs better structure and flow. Key areas for improvement are the transitions between discussing the grandfather's impact, the author's experiences as a dental assistant, and Julio's story. Also, cutting down on wordiness, avoiding repetition, and breaking up long sentences will make it clearer and more engaging.