Writing a Successful SAP Appeal: Guide and Examples

Published on
July 12, 2024

Facing financial aid loss? A single letter can change your fate. Here’s how to write a winning SAP appeal.

Key Steps for Writing a SAP Appeal

  1. Admit the Problem: Explain why you didn't meet the SAP requirements. Mention any medical issues, family emergencies, or other serious problems. Own your actions and avoid making excuses
  2. Describe What Has Changed: List the steps you have taken or will take to fix the problems that made you fall behind. This could include getting academic support, reducing your course load, or addressing personal or medical issues.
  3. Plan for Future Success: how that you have a clear plan to improve your academics and maintain SAP. List at least three actions, like meeting with an advisor, using tutoring services, or creating a study schedule
  4. Include Supporting Documentation: Provide official documents like medical records, death certificates, or statements from counselors to support.

Be specific and direct. Avoid vague promises like 'I will try harder.' Instead, clearly describe your situation and proposed solutions. Keep your appeal focused and concise.

Essay 1:

Failing my science courses turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me—it led me to reconsider my academic path and pursue something I truly enjoy: Humanities. While I struggled with science courses due to difficulty staying engaged with the subject matter, I discovered a deep passion for humanities.

I thoroughly enjoyed all three humanities courses: Literature of the Romantic Era, Philosophy of Ethics, and Comparative Politics. In my Literature of the Romantic Era class, I studied the works of Shelley and Keats. One of my favorite projects was writing a paper on how nature influenced their poetry. I spent a lot of time analyzing their poems, visiting libraries, and reading articles—it was the most fun I've had in school.

After experiencing this profound connection with humanities, I consulted with my academic advisors, including Professor Eric, my parents, and other professors. Together, we agreed that changing my major to Humanities was the best decision for my academic and personal growth.

Alongside this change, I began journaling my daily decisions, which brought clarity and structure to my coursework. To ensure a smooth transition into my new academic focus, I meet bi-weekly with my academic advisor, Professor Eric. These meetings are crucial for discussing my progress and receiving tailored guidance. Together, we've developed a customized study plan with SMART goals for each course, ensuring I stay on track and achieve my academic objectives.

I believe these efforts will reflect positively on my future academic performance. Therefore, I respectfully appeal for the reinstatement of my Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) status.

Attached to this appeal is a degree planning sheet provided by Professor Eric, outlining my planned courses and academic goals. This document demonstrates my commitment to achieving and maintaining academic progress. This journey has not only steered me toward my true passion but also instilled a discipline that I carry into every aspect of my life.

🎓 GradGPT Score: 87/100 🌟

GradGPT Essay score of 87/100: Great SAP appeal Essay

The essay also passes all 5 key stages in the essay coach:

Essay works on: Alignment, Content, Flow and Writing style

Essay 2:

My first semester at Greenfield University was incredibly challenging. I was overwhelmed by the academic rigor, especially in my calculus course. The concepts of integration were difficult for me to grasp, and I found myself falling behind quickly. On top of that, I was dealing with the passing of a close family member, which took an emotional toll on me. Balancing a part-time job with my academic responsibilities further strained my time management. I struggled to keep up with assignments and often felt too overwhelmed to attend classes regularly. This combination of personal and academic stress led to a significant decline in my grades, preventing me from meeting the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements.

Since that challenging first semester, I have taken several steps to improve my academic performance and manage my responsibilities more effectively. I started attending tutoring sessions three times a week, which helped me improve my calculus quiz scores from 50% to 82% within four weeks. This raised my calculus grade from a D to a B by the semester's end. I have also been utilizing services from the Study Support Center and Accessibility Services, which have provided me with additional resources and support. Moving forward, I plan to continue attending tutoring sessions, participating in study groups, and using the services offered by Accessibility Services for my exams. I have also developed a more structured schedule to better manage my time and responsibilities.

I have several pieces of supporting documentation that demonstrate my efforts to improve my academic standing:

- Verification of tutoring session attendance from the Study Support Center.
- Letters from the Accessibility Services confirming my use of their resources.
- Documentation of my improved grades and increased quiz scores in calculus.

🎓 GradGPT Score: 86/100 🌟

Overall the essay works on content and flow, but needs improvement on the writing style

The writing style has room for improvement, but since this is a SAP appeal essay, the writing style is not the primary focus.

Essay 3:

In early November, I faced a life-altering car accident that left me hospitalized for three days with a fractured right arm. As a right-handed individual, this injury not only disrupted my daily life but also significantly impacted my academic performance. Specifically, it led to a decrease in my GPA from 3.8 to 2.9 during the fall semester, as I struggled with completing assignments on time due to limited mobility and intensive physical therapy.

Navigating this adversity was a profound test of resilience. Despite the invaluable support from Disability Support Programs (DSP), catching up with coursework during the semester proved tremendously challenging. My professors, understanding my circumstances, graciously granted me incomplete grades, allowing additional time to complete assignments as I focused on recovery.

Looking ahead to the upcoming spring term, I have made deliberate adjustments to my academic plan. I've chosen to reduce my course load to ensure I can manage both academic obligations and necessary medical appointments effectively. Additionally, I have weekly sessions with a tutor and regular check-ins with my academic advisor to stay on track with coursework and rehabilitation goals.

Proactively, I've integrated adaptive technology like voice-to-text software to manage my assignments, ensuring deadlines are met despite my temporary physical limitations.

My goal is to diligently complete all outstanding coursework by the end of spring and summer, carefully pacing my workload to accommodate regular classes and therapy sessions. By doing so, I aim to raise my GPA back to 3.5 by the end of the summer session, focusing on core subjects and completing all incompletes.

With unwavering support from DSP and a dedicated approach to rehabilitation, I am optimistic about achieving approximately 95% recovery by the end of spring. To substantiate my appeal, I have provided essential documentation, including detailed police reports of the accident, comprehensive medical records, and supportive statements from professors who understand the challenges I faced.

Thank you for considering my circumstances. I am resolutely committed to overcoming these obstacles and achieving academic excellence.

🎓 GradGPT Score: 86/100 🌟

Don't let financial aid slip away!  This situation isn't uncommon, and there are resources available to help you get back on track.

Confused about how to frame your essay, or unsure if it effectively conveys your message? GradGPT AI College Essay Coach provides insightful feedback on your essay's alignment, content, flow, and writing style.