TL;DR: Ideally the focus should be on recent experiences. Your high school activities should not be the primary part of your application. However, you may include the same if is relevant to your current academic pursuits AND if you have limited college involvement
The decision to include high school activities in your transfer application depends on several factors:
Focus on Recent Experiences: While the pandemic limited participation in college activities, universities like the University of Michigan considered high school activities in exceptional cases. However, even then, they explicitly stated that relying primarily on high school activities was "okay" only in limited circumstances.
Don't Rely Primarily on High School Activities: Your essay's substance should not predominantly stem from experiences in high school. In other words, the bulk of your evidence demonstrating progress towards your academic goals should not be limited to high school experiences
When it comes to including high school activities in your transfer application, think about these simple tips:
For your transfer essay: We highly recommend checking out the guidelines on the AI transfer essay writer tool
All the best for your application