UC Personal Insight Question 6: Academic Passion and Pursuits Essay Examples and Writing Guide

Published on
July 17, 2024

Prompt: Think about an academic subject that inspires you. Describe how you have furthered this interest inside and/or outside of the classroom.

1 Tip that Matters💡🔆

This prompt is powerful because choosing it signals clarity about your academic interests, indicating potential success in the program. However, unclear responses could be seen negatively by admissions officers, making it a high-risk, high-reward prompt.
Academic interest is the single biggest predictor of long-term academic success, accounting for 65% of the variance in achievement

First, let's delve into how to structure this essay effectively:

Structure of the essay:


  • Introduce your interest in the subject.

Body Part 1: Academic Journey Inside the Classroom

  • How your interest in the subject began.
  • Key academic courses or projects that deepened your understanding.

Body Part 2: Engagement Outside the Classroom

  • Involvement: Detail your participation outside the classroom (e.g., research, internships, clubs).
  • Experiences: Describe any relevant experiences or opportunities that enriched your understanding.


  • Impact and Reflections
    • Learning Outcomes: Discuss insights gained from pursuing this academic interest.
    • Personal Growth: Reflect on how this interest contributed to your personal and academic development.
    • Future Aspirations: Explain how this interest influences your academic and career goals.

Academic Interest PIQ Example 1

Imagine walking into Starbucks and noticing that your go-to snack is suddenly more expensive.

How did this happen? Is it economics at play? The behavior of markets has a profound impact on our daily lives.

My interest in economics began in my sophomore year. I took a course on basic economics, where I was introduced to the concepts of supply and demand, market equilibrium, and elasticity. But what fascinated me the most were the projects. My first project was on examining government regulations and their effect on local coffee shops. It was eye-opening to see firsthand the direct effects of policies on our daily lives.

Next, I pursued AP Microeconomics, delving into diverse case studies. I was particularly intrigued by the impact of price ceilings in housing markets. This taught me how such policies can disrupt markets, causing shortages and affecting consumers. Economics, I realized, isn't just theoretical—it shapes our everyday experiences.

To further improve my skillset, I decided to pursue practical work. I volunteered with a local nonprofit, conducting market research to optimize pricing at their thrift store. Analyzing survey data, I proposed changes that resulted in a 15% increase in sales over three months.

Last summer, I was an intern at a small business. I analyzed sales trends and customer demographics. During the internship, I developed a targeted pricing strategy that boosted weekend sales by 20%.

All of this experience and my time spent with theoretical and practical economics has changed me as a person. Specifically, it has improved my analytical skills and helped me cultivate a data-driven mindset. Throughout this journey, I've enjoyed every bit of it.

Therefore, my dream is to pursue a degree in Microeconomics and a career in economic consulting, where I can help businesses navigate complex market challenges.

🎓 GradGPT Score: 90/100 🌟

Excellent Essay

GradGPT Score: 90/100 for UC PIQ 6 (Academic Interest).
This essay excels across all five key stages, including rubrics such as Alignment, Content, Flow, and Writing.

Academic Interest PIQ Example 2

Last spring, I found myself in a marsh, waist-deep, collecting water samples while a heron watched nearby. How did I end up here?

My interest in environmental science began during a middle school trip to Yosemite National Park. The conservation methods I saw there ignited my passion for environmental sciences. This experience led me to seek out more opportunities to learn about the field.

During middle school, I undertook projects to document local wildlife and test water quality in our creek. Additionally, I initiated a school recycling program. These projects applied what I learned in the classroom to the real world and laid a foundation for my high school studies.

In AP Environmental Science, I focused on plastic pollution in marine ecosystems. I analyzed microplastics in water samples collected from Oceanview Beach. The extensive pollution shocked me. It prompted me to write a paper advocating for urgent coastal environmental conservation.

As the leader of my school's Eco-Club, I managed a recycling program that cut waste output by 30%. One of my proudest achievements was organizing the "Green Community Initiative" tree-planting event at Johnson Park. It brought together over 300 students and parents from our school.

My volunteer work with the Sierra Club ignited my passion for conservation. Planting native species to restore damaged ecosystems aided in improving biodiversity. These experiences underscored the importance of data-driven conservation and inspired me to pursue a career in environmental science.

With these experiences behind me, I am excited to pursue a formal degree in environmental science.

At UC, I plan to enroll in courses like Conservation Biology and Environmental Policy Analysis offered by the Environmental Science and Policy department. I am particularly interested in Professor Julius's research in the Sustainable Energy and Environmental Systems Lab.

UC is committed to sustainability, as evidenced by advanced facilities like CE-CERT, which align perfectly with my goals. I look forward to engaging in interdisciplinary research initiatives that contribute to environmental protection and sustainability efforts.

🎓 GradGPT Score: 91/100 🌟

UC PIQ Essay example with GradGPT Score: 91/100
Essay passes all 5 key stages of the GradGPT Essay Coach

In conclusion, follow the outline of introducing your interest in the subject, detailing your academic journey inside and outside the classroom, and discussing the impact and reflections to create the first draft. Next, work upon the draft to build the essay. Finally, check whether you score more than 80 and pass all 5 checks on the essay coach.