How to calculate the AP English lang score in 2024?
College Board has not officially released a scoring formula for the latest AP® English Language. So we have used the scores of previous students and the scoring rubric to create a function that works surprisingly well! The GradGPT AP English Language Score Calculator tool is an accurate estimation the left pane.
Enter your expected MCQ and FRQ scores in the calculator, and get your final AP score.
Understanding the Score System:
The AP English Language exam is scored on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the highest possible score. Each section, multiple choice and free response, contributes to your final score.
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ): This section tests your understanding of rhetoric, language use, and analytical skills. Accounts for roughly 45% of the score.
Free Response Questions (FRQ): Accounts for 55 % of the score. Consists of three essay questions: a synthesis essay, a rhetorical analysis essay, and an argument essay. FRQ is graded on a scale of 0 to 6 points, with the total converted to a score out of 55.
Writing Mechanics (5%): This score reflects your grasp of grammar, usage, and mechanics.
What is a good AP English Language score?
College Credit / Implications
1 Not qualified
You need more practice with critical thinking and writing.
⛔️ This score rarely qualifies for credit or placement.
2 Possibly qualified
This score means you might need some extra help before college English.
🤔 This score generally doesn't qualify for credit or placement.
3 Passing
You did good! You understand the basics of college English, but you could brush up on some things.
✅ Some colleges might give you credit, but others might just use it for placement.
4 Well qualified
You did super well! You're definitely ready for college English.
👍 Many colleges grant credit and/or advanced placement for a score of 4.
5 Awesome!
You rocked it! You're way ahead of the game and ready for any college English class.
✨ Many colleges give you credit or put you in a higher-level class.
Getting a 3, 4, or 5 on an AP exam is usually considered good! Most colleges have rules about giving credit for good AP scores (3 or higher). Want to know how much credit you might get at a specific school? Check out this link!
What is the average AP English Language score?
AP English Language Test score distribution for 2023-24.
We need to be careful when looking at averages. To better understand your position, look at the score distribution (figure above). In 2023-24, roughly 56% of the students scored 3+ on AP English Language score.
The average AP English Language score over the last 10 years:
3+ score
Avg. score
How do I get a 5 on AP English Language?
Only 1 in 10 people got a score of 5 on AP English language last year, so be ready for a challenge. Students waste days searching for some magical solution, but there is effectively one: practice!
Important note: AP score won't make or break your college applications, so don't stress out too much. If you have qualified, focus on improving more impactful parts of your application.